Wednesday, July 06, 2005


This month I am starting the protocols for IVF. Invitro fertilization. I think I spelled that wrong, but my mind is completely shot. Lots of things going on lately. My brother just got married and the celebrations are still going on. I am so happy for him, his new bride and the whole family. These sorts of events bring so many wonderful friends/family and other familiar faces together. Its lots of fun, but it's hard to be stretched so thin with this next chapter of our lives beginning. I hope to G-d we will only have to go through IVF just once. I'm less worried about the money than how high our stress levels will become. Will we be able to survive the next few months? Yes it's true that I have lots of support and I've been taking somewhat good care of myself, but still we will have to go through the motions of taking the drugs every single day. Feh. I pray that G-d will give us an easy time with this.

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